Bond dissociation energies of X–H bonds in proteins

Published in RSC Advances, 2022

Knowledge of reliable X–H bond dissociation energies (X = C, N, O, S) for amino acids in proteins is key for studying the radical chemistry of proteins. X–H bond dissociation energies of model dipeptides were computed using the isodesmic reaction method at the BMK/6-31+G(2df,p) and G4(MP2)-6X levels of theory. The density functional theory values agree well with the composite-level calculations. By this high level of theory, combined with a careful choice of reference compounds and peptide model systems, our work provides a highly valuable data set of bond dissociation energies with unprecedented accuracy and comprehensiveness. It will likely prove useful to predict protein biochemistry involving radicals, e.g., by machine learning.

Recommended citation: W. Treyde, K. Riedmiller, F. Gräter, "Bond dissociation energies of X–H bonds in proteins." RSC Advances, 2022, 12, 34557-34564.
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